RB018 – Logan Symbol 2Btn Hitag Aes 433mhz (2012+) Repairment Board

RB020 – Clio4 Captur 4Btn Hitag Aes 433mhz Keyless Repairment Board

RB021 – Clio4 Captur 4Btn Hitag Aes 433mhz non-Keyless Repairment Board

RB019 – New DAC REN 2Btn Hitag Aes 433mhz (2015+) Repairment Board

RB017 – Fiat Linea Bravo 3 Button Flip 433mhz Repairment Board


Since we are aiming our customers 100% satisfaction, we at REMKEYS decided to provide our valuable customers with all kinds of requiered Repairment Boards they might need for their work.

Which Products are there?

at REMKEYS, we tried to enlarge our Repairment Boards collection as much as we could to fully support our locksmiths and to provide them with the tools they need to satisfy their cusatomers as well.

We offer our presales support for any request you might need before purchasing your products.
Just contact us at: info@remkeys.com
Our presales friends will be ready to provide you with all your requested details.

You can safely review and purchase all products on our website. We answer your questions quickly from the Live Support section.