
Autohex II BMW Lite Locksmith

BMW Locksmith Technician who is looking to have a startup solution for BMW keys programming (with HexTag for free) – AHX0103 – Autohex II BMW Lite Locksmith.

Using this kit you can do following:

Only with Autohex: Read ISN in G Series:
MD1 and MG1 (MDG1) ISN Reading of following DME/DDE:
• DME_840
• DME_840H
• DME_84T0
• DME_860
• DME_86T0
• DME_880
• DME_88T0
• DDE803P
• DDE832C

Only with Autohex: Read ISN in MDG1 F Series:
MD1 and MG1 (MDG1) ISN Reading of following DME/DDE:
• DME_83T1
• DME_840
• DME_841
• DME_841H
• DME_861
• DME_88T0
• DDE803

Read All ISN in F Series:
Autohex II reads all ISN of DME/DDE in F series:
• EDC17C41
• EDC17C41
• EDC17C50
• EDC17C56
• EDC17C76
• EDC17CP09
• EDC17CP45
• EDC17CP49
• MEVD17.2
• MEVD17.2.3
• MEVD17.2.4
• MEVD17.2.5
• MEVD17.2.6
• MEVD17.2.8
• MEVD17.2.9
• MEVD17.2.G
• MEVD17.2.H
• MEVD17.2.P

Read All Long ISN in E Series:
Autohex II reads all ISN of DME/DDE in E series:
• EDC17C06
• EDC17C41
• EDC17C50
• EDC17C56
• EDC17C76
• EDC17CP02
• EDC17CP09
• EDC17CP45
• EDC17CP49
• MSV80
• MSV80.1
• MSD80
• MSD81
• MSD85
• MSD85Y
• MSS60
• MED17.2
• MEV17.2
• MEV17.2.2
• MEVD17.2
• MEVD17.2.2
• MEVD17.2.7
• MEV1746
• MEVD17.2.4
• MEVD17.2.5
• MEVD17.2.9

Read most of old ISN in E Series:
Autohex II reads the ISN of DME/DDE in E series:
• EDC16C1
• EDC16C31
• EDC16C35
• EDC16CP35
• ME9
• ME9.2
• ME9.2.2
• MEV9.2
• MSV70
• MS45

CAS1, CAS2, CAS3, CAS3+, CAS4 and CAS4+ ISN
With Autohex II you can read ISN from all CAS versions in E and F series

Key Programming For E and F series
CAS1, CAS2, CAS3, CAS3+, CAS4 ,CAS4+, FEM and BDC are supported by Autohex II, this includes if all keys lost

Unlock Security from CAS4, CAS4+, FEM and BDC
You can unlock security of CAS4/4+, BDC and FEM to able to:
• Change CAS and BDC and FEM VIN
• Change CAS and BDC and FEM ISN
• Mileage Reset for CAS and BDC and FEM
• Making a key for CAS and BDC and FEM

Read ISN on Bench for MSX8X
With Autohex II you can read ISN of MSD80, MSD81, MSD85, MSD85Y, MSD87, MSV90 in E/F series on Bench without opening the Ecu.

Hextag tool for chip tuning is included
Hextag is a powerful tool for Ecu cloning, Chip tuning, All CAS versions read/write and Key/EEPROM Reset, with Hextag:
• Ecu Cloning/Tuning for a wide range of brands. This function is free for 30 days
• Read and write CAS 1,2,3,4 and 4+ EEPROM and FLASH 100% safely
• Read and write other modules from BMW, Mercedes, Audi, and others BDM protocol
• Modify KOMBI (instrument cluster) Mileage
• Repair FRM for BMW in one click
• Renew all BMW keys, and many other brands

What you miss in this package:

• BMW E Series, F Series and G Series online Ecu Programming and Manual coding (can be ordered later)
• Modify ISN/SK in DME, DDE and CAS/FEM/BDC (can be ordered later)
• Reset EGS 6HP/8HP EWS (can be ordered later)
• Ecu Coding, and Vehicle Order managing (can be ordered later)
• ISN Reading from Tricore Ecus by boot mode. (can be ordered later)

What you get:

• Autohex II Hardware WVCI HW 5.
• BMW Software Lite Locksmith License.
• Key Programming License
• HexTag Programmer BDM and Key programmer.
• Free 30 days Chip Tuning License for Hextag.
• BMW ISTA/D driver to run dealer software.
• 1 year technical support.
• 1 year hardware warranty.


Product Code: AHX0103


Additional information
Weight 1450 g



Key Programmers

Product Type

Autohex II Hardware



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